Friday, December 31, 2004

so long, 2004

K called me earlier this evening from the land of B-list celebrities, where her entire family has gathered together to ring in the New Year and celebrate an anniversary and two birthdays (but not Jesus'). K reported that they were just about to take their seats in the theater for "Meet the Fockers," which her family kept referring to as "Meet the Flockers." And if it actually were a film about people stuffing furniture, I'd be exponentially more likely to go see it myself. My tummy feels a little funny (and not in the good way) just thinking about the previews I've seen for it. Shudder. Though, perhaps suffering through such a movie would be a perfect way to say good riddance to a year that included that very Black Tuesday at the beginning of November, among other more personal, literal, and natural disasters. Oh well, at least Pink Martini finally released their second CD.

Today I polished off another box of 144 2-ply ultra soft and strong tissues, so my New Year's Eve will be rocking ... with productive coughing. Which is particularly a shame because, for the first time in recent memory, I had multiple invitations to New Year's Eve activities. Phooey. Well, I still plan to raise my little plastic measuring cup of cough syrup at midnight, in hopes of a happier, healthier (especially for you and yours, MP), more peaceful, more productive, more thoughtful (and possibly more Canadian) New Year.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, sweetie! May your tissues always be soft but strong and your cough syrup spiked with enough alki-hall to keep you good and lickered-up through Regis Philbin's nattering. (God, please, don't make Regis the permanent replacement.)

Luv ya!
xoxoxo, MP

January 01, 2005 12:56 AM  

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