Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Given the almost incomprehensible suffering that people in South and Southeast Asia are experiencing in the aftermath of the tsunami, I really don’t feel too much like cracking wise about anything today.

Is anyone else surprisingly unamazed by the fact that the President of the United States hasn’t emerged from his cattle-less ranch to personally acknowledge one of the most devastating natural disasters in modern history? Perhaps he’s just waiting to be fully briefed on the possibility that terrorist bombs placed along the tectonic plates deep in the Indian Ocean triggered the earthquake that caused the tsunami. Aren’t the evil-doers to blame for all human suffering?

And is everyone appreciating the fine work being done by our mainstream media? I mean, do you have enough information about the supermodel and her shattered pelvis and her missing photographer boyfriend? Have you heard enough Caucasian tourists describing their harrowing escapes from hotel pools and cabanas? Have you gotten enough video of the wealthy, fat American man surveying the damage to his “beach house,” but just being happy that his exquisitely tanned daughter and wife are both safe?

Oh, and while you’re busy worrying about the rich and famous white people who were so violently shaken out of their collective vacation paradise, don’t forget to be very afraid about visiting our own West Coast. Because it could happen here, you know. Because it will happen here, you know. It’s just a matter of time. The University Professor of Geology and Unnecessary Scare Tactics just said so. Um, yeah. Shut up, local news.

68,000 souls and counting, people. Kind of hard to wrap your brain around. If you can, why not send a donation to a relief organization?

Updated to add MADRE, another good organization that's sending help to Asia.


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